Mode Control

This is a purpose controls high-speed counter operation and stop pulse output.The control specified in C2 will be executed at port specified in C1.


  P:Port Specifier

P Port
0000 hex     Pulse output 0
0001 hex     Pulse output 1
0010 hex     High-speed counter 0
0011 hex     High-speed counter 1
0100 hex     Interrup input 0 in counter mode
0101 hex     Interrup input 1 in counter mode
0102 hex     Interrup input 2 in counter mode
0103 hex     Interrup input 3 in counter mode
1000 hex     PWM(891) output 0
1001 hex     PWM(891) output 1

 C:INI Function

C INI(880) function
0000 hex     Start compare
0001 hex     Stop compare
0002 hex     Change Value
0003 hex     Stop send pulse

Example for use INI

This is example from sample when on 0.00 will send pulse signal
output and if we on bite 0.01 this instruction will stop pulse outpit


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